Sunday, May 16, 2010

How to paint magnolia flower art?

I'm guessing your wanting hints and tips on how to start a painting of magnolias rather than a step by step introduction to painting!

Well I'd start with doing some research on other people's artwork and finding/taking a photo of some magnolias that you'd like to paint. I always paint something like flowers from a photo and use light pencil lines on the canvas and the photo as reference to get the perspective right. Sometimes I put a grid on the photo and a scale version on the canvas if its a complex photo.

Alternatively, if you have a projector, project the image onto a canvas and trace an outline, then paint it in.

If your wanting to do it from real life, well you need to be careful to keep the perspective right or it will just come out looking bad.

The colours are probably the hardest part, as you have to get them look as natural as possible, unless your intention is to do a pop-art like painting, at which point it's all one or two matt colours.

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