Thursday, May 20, 2010

Saucer Magnolia not growing?

We have a saucer magnolia that is pretty much the same size as when we planted it several years ago. It's not dying, the leaves all look fine, but it's not growing or flowering.

We recently put mulch around it and it has been raining a lot, but no dice as of yet.

We're in zone 8.

Any ideas?

Saucer Magnolia not growing?
Here is what Magnolias need:

Careful Siting: Pick a location where the shallow, fleshy roots won't be damaged by digging or by soil compaction from constant foot traffic. Magnolias also don't like to be crowded!!

Soil: They appreciate fairly rich, well-drained soil, neutral to slightly acidic.

Mulching: Keep a cooling mulch over the roots.

Watering: Irrigate deeply and thoroughly, but don't waterlog the soil or the tree will drown.

Fertilizing: Feed trees if new growth is scanty or weak. Use a slow release product as magnolias are prone to salt damage.

A Saucer Magnolia usually needs to be 3 to 5 years old before it will bloom.

Good Luck!! it in the right place? They need fertile, well-drained soil and in full sun to partial shade. Soil should be acidy. Is there anything in the ground that could hinder it's roots growing? They're quite slow growing but i'm sure you should have seen some difference by now.
Reply:It is very very slow growing tree. Try to fertilize with the is a slow release fertilizer lasting many months... I use the vigoro palm tree, my Magnolia tree is about 7 feet...Depending of yours, break the stick in 2 pieces.

amc theatre

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