Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why did my Magnolia Tree die ?

Without hearing more details it is impossible to answer this question with certainty. However, here are a few reasons a Magnolia might not survive:

1. It may have been planted in an area that was too envirnmentally stressful. In the north many species of Magnolia are marginally hardy. They need to be protected from harsh winter winds and late frosts.

2. It may have been planted too deep. This is a common problem, and leads to girdling by rodents and/or root suffocation.

3. It may have been watered incorrrectly. A tree should be watered every 5-10 days. each watering should be thorough enough so the water can soak down through the root system. Watering too frequently, or not frequently enough, will damage (and potentially kill) a young tree.

Why did my Magnolia Tree die ?
because you either had it in full sun or you didnt water it each morning and each night

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