Monday, May 11, 2009

Magnolia Stellata not flowered this year?

Last year my magnolia stellata flowered profusely but this year it has not produced a single bloom. Leaves are coming out okay and it looks healthy. Any reasons for it not flowering?

Magnolia Stellata not flowered this year?
Only two things can stop this magnolia from flowering.1/in august and september the roots were too dry,and so lacked the energy to produce flower buds,which make flowers for the following year.2/the soil has become to alkaline(limey) as it likes neutral to acid soil.The leaves will initially be green but then go jaundice in may,which is a sign of problem 2
Reply:There is nothing to treat. You may have chosen this as the best answer but it is the wrong answer. Stellata tolerate alkaline soil and the buds are not affected by anything but frost! Camellias are the ones affected by a dry summer not magnolias. Report It

Reply:They are just starting to flower now. Are you sure yours is not budding up? If you are UK we have had a cold spring which has delayed a lot of plants.

If there are no living buds it could have been hit by some of the late frosts. Stellata does flower late than the x soulangeana that is more common. (The large tulip shaped flowering magnolia.) A lot of those in my area were hit with the flowers open and they all turned brown on the trees.

Such a shame.

EDIT....Stellata is tolerant of alkaline soils and frost damages emerging buds...
Reply:I found this article there are few clues there perhaps it will further your knowledge i guess you might know a thing or to about them if you have one.Seems to suggest they like the sun early in the day.

Another article.

MY search results

I hope this was useful.

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