Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can I grow a magnolia tree from a cut branch of a mature tree using "rooting powder"?

some plants are very easy to root and dont need rooting hormone at all but magnolia's are very difficult to root, even with high doses of rootone or talc. some species of magnolias are just about impossible, they loose juvenility early in new growth. most cultivars are grafted on rootstock since they do take to grafts better. im guessing your talking about M grandiflora (southern magnolia). its not impossible to root but success is usually around 10-20% and has to be from very new growth, before it hardens. but it cant hurt to try - keep it damp and warm (above 70f) in sand/peat. maybe dip the roots in alcohol prior to rooting powder. good luck.

Can I grow a magnolia tree from a cut branch of a mature tree using "rooting powder"?
yes you can thats what rooting powder is for, i tried planting a twig in the ground once, it didnt grow on its own and it got stood on by a cat (i was 7)

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